Coach Financier: a digital solution for arbitrage advice for your life insurance contract
Coach Financier - Vidéo
Discover Coach Financier, Societe Generale Private Banking's France new digital solution offering its clients a new experience for their life insurance contract.Better visualize your life insurance contract, thanks to a new digital presentation
Supporting our clients(2) in making their financial investment decisions in the context of their life insurance policies, anywhere, anytime: this is the objective of our new digital solution, Coach Financier. Available free of charge(3) on the mobiles and computers of our SGPB France clients, it offers a new dashboard, which allows them to visualize all their assets held within their life insurance contract. This new presentation is structured in a categorization by asset classes and sub-classes. Our clients can also view performance and risk indicators for their portfolio.
A punctual advice according to the market events...
In order to better assist our clients in their decision making, in case of market events, Coach Financier provides them with arbitrage advice. Sent by SMS and notification(4), this advice reflects the convictions and positions of our strategists, and is consistent with the client's investor profile, who can validate it or not from their Internet space(5).
... and regular information on financial market news
On a daily basis, Coach Financier also allows our clients to stay informed on the latest financial market news. Our investment strategy teams regularly provide our clients with publications that give them a more precise view of the macroeconomic environment.
Your Private Banker remains at your disposal if you need more information on this solution.
(1) Solution available within the framework of life insurance contracts.
(2) Solution subject to client and contract eligibility.
(3) Excluding arbitrage fees determined in the context of the client's life insurance contract.
(4) Application downloadable free of charge from Google Play and the App Store (free of charge excluding connection costs charged by your Internet service provider). Google Play is a registered trademark of Google Inc. App Store is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
(5) Arbitrage are then charged according to the fees in effect on the contract.
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Before subscribing to any investment service, financial product or insurance product, the potential investor (i) must read all the information contained in the detailed documentation of the service or product envisaged (prospectus, regulations, articles of association, document entitled "key information for the investor", term sheet, information notice, contractual terms and conditions, etc.) and (ii) must be informed of the reasons for the decision. (ii) consult its legal and tax advisors to assess the legal consequences and tax treatment of the proposed product or service. His Private Banker is also at his disposal to provide him with further information, to determine with him whether he is eligible for the product or service envisaged, which may be subject to conditions, and whether it meets his needs. Consequently, Société Générale Private Banking France cannot be held responsible for any decision taken by an investor based solely on the information contained in this document,
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