Getting Support during an Initial Public Offering
What does "initial public offering" actually mean?
An Initial Public Offering, or IPO, is the process an entirely privately held company follows to “go public” by offering shares on a listed market. This can be achieved by issuing new shares or by selling shares. The company’s shares then become tradeable on a stock market, providing existing shareholders with increased liquidity and the company with greater brand awareness.
An IPO is also a source of market financing than can meet several of a company’s needs, including growth financing that traditional bank financing alone can no longer cover. Once listed, a company can then raise additional short-term funds in various forms, including shares, share subscription warrants and convertible bonds.
It is also a way to open up a company’s capital while maintaining control over its management. Stock market investors, unlike Private Equity(1) investors or investment funds, remain non-controlling shareholders and cannot request a seat on the Management Committee. Listing a company provides a certain level of liquidity and enables shareholders to sell their investment if they wish. It also provides the company with tools to attract and retain top executives by offering profit sharing in the company’s capital.
Finally, listing a company’s shares allows a company to gradually increase or assign its capital by selling shares as needed post-listing.
A company leader with financing needs, a growth project, or a company with good profitability potential and a structured financial plan to reassure market investors, could very well consider whether an IPO is an appropriate step. However, IPOs are complex operations and support is vital.
IPOready Private: a support programme by Euronext in partnership with SGPB and SG Gilbert Dupont
In collaboration with Euronext(2), Societe Generale Private Banking and SG Gilbert Dupont(3) offer company executives a free financial market initiation programme, IPOready Private, which gives participants the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and tools to learn about the financial markets with a view to potentially listing their company(4). The IPOready Private programme’s partners — audit and consulting firms, lawyers, financial communications agencies, investment service providers and private banks — provide their knowledge and expertise to create a comprehensive programme tailored to the specific challenges of IPOs. All sessions are private and confidential.
Half-day sessions are dedicated to how a company can reach a new stage in its development and finance its growth, financial communication and reputational priorities, and advice on how to structure an IPO.
Four coaching sessions with Societe Generale Private Banking wealth planners are also offered to IPOready Private programme candidates. Through Societe Generale Entrepreneurs, we provide programme candidates with a solution that combines the expertise of Private Banking, Investment Banking and the Societe Generale network to serve the company at all key moments of an entrepreneur’s life, including developing their family business, selling or assigning their company, preparing their IPO from a wealth management standpoint, and protecting their family.
(1) Private equity means investing in companies not listed on the stock exchange. It is a method of financing the real economy and benefits small-, mid- and large-cap companies.
(2) Euronext is a listed company and the operator of the largest stock market in the eurozone.
(3) Gilbert Dupont Stockbrokers, an SNC with share capital of €3,806,440, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Societe Generale group.
(4) This programme is dedicated to French companies only.
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