29 Haussmann Avenir awarded by the "Oscars de l'Assurance Vie"!
Organized by Gestion de Fortune magazine, the « Oscars de l’Assurance Vie » « Life Insurance Oscars » are one of the oldest and most prestigious awards in the life insurance industry. ts 35th edition honours 29 Haussmann Avenir, the new discretionary management solution offered by SG 29 Haussmann(1), the investment management company of Societe Generale Private Banking France.
A "new generation" management solution that integrates the wealth and financial challenges of private clients
The 2020 « Oscars de l’Assurance Vie » rewarded 29 Haussmann Avenir, in the category « Oscar du contrat d'assurance-vie à gestion profilée – gestion sous mandat » ("Oscar for the life insurance contract with profiled management – discretionary management") for the SGGP Vie Evolution contract.
Designed by the SG 29 Haussmann teams, 29 Haussmann Avenir is the new discretionary portfolio management offer reserved for Societe Generale Private Banking France clients.
This management offer is positioned as a new generation investment service, simplified in terms of underwriting and transparent pricing .
Access to the « best of both worlds »
29 Haussmann Avenir is based on the allocation convictions of the investment teams and a selection of active and passive management strategies.
In order to best serve the client's interests, the managers can rely on a selection :
-The best talents in the open architecture active management industry from more than 25 international management companies including Blackrock, Nordea, Fidelity, Robeco, Pictet, Axa, Jupiter, Natixis AM, DNCA, ABN Amro, Amundi, Bridgewater, Tiedmann, Winton, among others,
- The best ETFs*, within the universe of more than 200 ETFs of Lyxor AM(2).
The client thus has access to the "best of both worlds" and benefits from a pragmatic approach to investment, which adapts to his needs and interests.
A simple and transparent offer
29 Haussmann Avenir offers a simple and transparent response to clients' expectations, whether in terms of the ease of underwriting through a lighter management implementation, or in its unique "all-inclusive" management fee structure, with no movement commissions, arbitrage fees or custody fees, whatever the risk profile.
In addition to these qualities of simplicity and transparency, through the Oscar, it is also the ability of the teams to innovate to create investment solutions combining strategic allocation expertise, an open architecture fund selection model and excellence in ETFs that is recognised.
Your Private Banker is available to guide you in your thinking and answer your questions about the 29 Haussmann Avenir offer.
For more information: https://sg29haussmann.societegenerale.fr/index.php?id=15401 (French only)
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* An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) or tracker is a financial instrument listed on the stock exchange that allows the real time reproduction of the evolution of a stock market index. By subscribing to such a product, the investor bears the risk of losing the capital invested.
(1) Simplified joint stock company with a capital of 92,000,000, having its registered office in Paris, 29 Boulevard Haussmann, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number B 450 777 008.
(2) Lyxor Asset Management, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 161,106,300 euros, having its registered office at 17 Cours Valmy, Tours Société Générale, 92800 Puteaux, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Registry under number 418 862 215.
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This marketing document does not constitute a contract. This material has been prepared for information purposes only and is not intended to provide investment advice nor any other investment service, and the document does not constitute and under no circumstances should it be considered in whole or in part as an offer, a solicitation, advice, a personal recommendation to purchase or subscribe for an investment service and/or product, nor any personalized insurance advice or recommendation, nor any solicitation of any kind from Societe Generale Private Banking France. The information indicated in this document shall not be considered as legal or tax or accounting advice.
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Before subscribing to any investment service, financial product or insurance product, the potential investor (i) must familiarise himself with all the information contained in the detailed documentation of the service or product under consideration (prospectus, regulations, articles of association, document entitled "key information document", term sheet, information memorandum, contractual terms and conditions, etc.), in particular that relating to the associated risks; and (ii) consult his legal and tax advisers to assess the legal consequences and tax treatment of the product or service under consideration. His adviser is also available to provide him with further information, to determine with him whether he is eligible for the envisaged product or service which may be subject to conditions, and whether it meets his needs. Consequently, Société Générale Private Banking France cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any decision taken by an investor based solely on the information contained in this document.
The wealth and financial solutions, offers, products, services and activities mentioned on this page depend on each client's personal situation, the applicable legislation and their tax residence. The offer presented is therefore only suitable for French resident clients of Societe Generale Private Banking France.
In the event that this document is consulted by a non-French tax resident, it will be his or her responsibility to ensure, with his or her legal and tax advisors, that he or she complies with the legal and regulatory provisions of the jurisdiction concerned. This publication is in no way intended for distribution in the United States, nor to any U.S. tax resident, nor to any person or jurisdiction for which such distribution would be restricted or illegal.
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The Societe Generale group continues to maintain an administrative organization to take all appropriate measures necessary to identify, control and maintain the conflicts of interest. In that respect, Societe Generale Private Banking implemented a policy regarding the management of the conflict of interest.
Further details are available on request.
Societe Generale Private Banking France also implemented a policy on dealing with clients’ complaints. Further details are available on request or in the Societe Generale Private Banking France Internet’s website.
This document has been issued and distributed by Societe Generale, a French bank authorised and supervised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, located 4, Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, under the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank (“ECB”), and registered at ORIAS as insurance intermediary under the number 07 022 493 orias.fr. Societe Generale is a French Société Anonyme with its registered address at 29 boulevard Haussman, 75009 Paris, with a capital of EUR 1,066,714,367.50 EUR on 1 August 2019 and unique identification number 552 120 222 R.C.S. Paris. Further details are available on request or can be found at www. privatebanking.societegenerale.com.
Societe Generale Private Banking France also implemented a policy on dealing with clients’ complaints. Further details are available on request or in the Societe Generale Private Banking France Internet’s website.
This document has been issued and distributed by Societe Generale, a French bank authorised and supervised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, located 4, Place de Budapest, CS 92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, under the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank (“ECB”), and registered at ORIAS as insurance intermediary under the number 07 022 493 orias.fr. Societe Generale is a French Société Anonyme with its registered address at 29 boulevard Haussman, 75009 Paris, with a capital of EUR 1,066,714,367.50 EUR on 1 August 2019 and unique identification number 552 120 222 R.C.S. Paris. Further details are available on request or can be found at www. privatebanking.societegenerale.com.