Kleinwort Hambros legal information
United Kingdom
Kleinwort Hambros is the brand name of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. The firm reference number is 119250. The company is incorporated in England and Wales under company registration number 964058 and its registered address is 5th Floor, 8 St James’s Square, London, England SW1Y 4JU.
Kleinwort Hambros is the brand name of SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company (UK) Limited, which is an Appointed Representative of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited. SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority and has firm reference number 119250. SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company (UK) Limited has firm reference number 779105, is incorporated in England and Wales under company registration number 514879 and its registered address is 5th Floor, 8 St James's Square, London, England, SW1Y 4JU.
Channel Islands
Kleinwort Hambros is the brand name of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank (CI) Limited, which is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission for banking, investment, money services and fund services business. The company is incorporated in Jersey under company registration number 2693 and its registered address is PO Box 78, SG Hambros House, 18 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PR. SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank (CI) Limited – Guernsey Branch is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for banking, investment and money services business. Its address is PO Box 6, Hambro House, St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3AE. The company (including the branch) is also authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority in respect of UK regulated mortgage business and its firm reference number is 310344. The Company (including the branch) is not authorised or regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority for accepting UK bank deposits nor is it permitted to hold deposits in the UK.
Kleinwort Hambros is the brand name of SG Kleinwort Hambros Trust Company (CI) Limited, which is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission in the conduct of trust company business and fund services business and by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission in the conduct of fiduciary services business. The company is incorporated in Jersey under company registration number 4345 and its registered address is SG Hambros House, PO BOX 197, 18 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8RT. Its address in Guernsey is PO Box 86, Hambro House, St Julian’s Avenue, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3ED.
Kleinwort Hambros is the brand name of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank (Gibraltar) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission for the conduct of banking, investment and insurance mediation business and its firm reference number is 41 9436. The company is incorporated in Gibraltar under company registration number 1294 and its registered address is 32 Line Wall Road, Gibraltar.