Real-estate investment funds : Invest in real-estate funds chosen by our experts, exposed on various asset classes in France and abroad.

Investing in real estate
Understand your needs
Societe Generale Private Banking has created a hub of expertise specialising in real-estate investment in order to meet your requirements. We can help you assess and choose the most suitable offer for you in accordance with your risk profile.
Backed by the strength of the Societe Generale group and an international network of carefully-selected partners, we are able to help you in your search and give you access to a market generally reserved for institutional investors.
We can thus provide you with opportunities in terms of rental, commercial or residential property in a number of European capitals with customised structuring.
Teams of specialists are available throughout the entire investment or divestment process to advise you, both about the opportunities these markets provide and about investment optimisation techniques. You are assisted by your Private Banker – your key contact – in order to best meet your investment objectives and recommend suitable financing for each project.
Why us ?
Luxury property : Benefit from sound advice regarding the purchase or sale of your residence in the most prestigious regions of France or other countries in complete confidentiality.
Block real estate : Advice about acquiring and divesting rental properties in France and Europe. Our dedicated team will help you throughout the transaction process in order to provide you with a customised service with a dedicated mandate.
Club deals : The opportunity to co-invest, in major projects identified in accordance with various strategies depending on your risk appetite.
Managed real-estate portfolio : Make the most of Societe Generale’s innovation to invest in real estate with a turnkey solution with incorporated debt.
Operating real estate : Selection of direct rental investment opportunities in accordance with your legal and tax position and requirements.