Be supported by a team of experts dedicated to independent asset managers.

Financial Intermediaries
Understand your needs
As an independent asset manager, you wish to offer your clients an irreproachable level of service, combining professionalism, proximity, trust and transparency.
Societe Generale Private Banking's experts put all their know-how at your disposal to identify, with you, the financial solutions best suited to your challenges and your clients' needs. A dedicated team, committed to support you at all times, works with you to build your clients' wealth management strategy by mobilising all the necessary experts at key moments in their lives:
- Organization of your clients' assets at key moments in their lives (remarriage, succession, acquisition or sale of a business...)
- Financing their projects
- Managing their investments
- Diversification (art**, philanthropy, vineyards**)
We position ourselves as a true partner of your business through a service offering that complements your expertise with a wide range of tailor-made solutions. You thus maintain an exclusive and privileged relationship with your clients.
(1)private organization designed to hold and control the assets of one or a few families.
Why trust us?
Capitalise on our experience and knowledge of our various markets, with clients based mainly in Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.
We offer you a single point of entry (the Relationship Manager) in charge of providing you with a comprehensive, integrated and tailor-made service. In particular, professional investors benefit from direct access to the dealing room.
Benefit from an exclusive and complete range of solutions and services enabling you to maintain your independence, while having access to all markets.
Draw on all the skills of the Societe Generale Private Banking business line and the strength of the Societe Generale Group to access the best expertise.
Important information
This document, of an advertising nature, has no contractual value. Its content is not intended to provide an investment service. It does not constitute investment advice or a personalised recommendation on a financial product, nor does it constitute personalised insurance advice or recommendation, nor does it constitute a solicitation of any kind, nor does it constitute legal, accounting or tax advice from any entity belonging to Societe Generale Private Banking.
The information contained herein is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without prior notice, and is intended to communicate elements that may be useful in making a decision. Any information on past performance that may be reproduced in no way guarantees future performance.
The wealth and financial solutions, offers, products, services and activities mentioned in this document depend on the personal situation of each client, the legislation applicable to them and their tax residence. It is the potential investor's responsibility to ensure, with his or her legal and tax advice, that he or she complies with the legal and regulatory provisions of the jurisdiction concerned. This publication is in no way intended for distribution in the United States, nor to a US tax resident, nor to any person or jurisdiction for which such distribution would be restricted or illegal.
The offer presented may not be adapted or authorised within all Société Générale Private Banking entities. Furthermore, access to some of these products, services and solutions is subject to conditions, in particular eligibility.
Before subscribing to any investment service, financial product or insurance product, the potential investor (i) must familiarise himself with all the information contained in the detailed documentation of the service or product under consideration (prospectus, regulations, articles of association, document entitled "key information for investors", term sheet, information memorandum, contractual terms and conditions, etc.), in particular those relating to the associated risks; and (ii) consult his legal and tax advisors to assess the legal consequences and tax treatment of the product or service under consideration. His private banker is also at his disposal to provide him with further information, to determine with him whether he is eligible for the envisaged product or service which may be subject to conditions, and whether it meets his needs.
Consequently, no entity within Societe Generale Private Banking can be held liable for any decision taken by an investor based solely on the information contained in this document.
This document is confidential, intended exclusively for the person to whom it is given, and may not be communicated or brought to the attention of third parties, nor may it be reproduced in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Societe Generale Private Banking.
Société Générale Group maintains an effective administrative organisation that takes all necessary measures to identify, control and manage conflicts of interest. To this end, Societe Generale Private Banking has implemented a policy to manage and prevent conflicts of interest. For further details, Societe Generale Private Banking customers may refer to the policy on the management of conflicts of interest available on request from their private banker.
Societe Generale Private Banking has also set up a policy for handling complaints made by its customers, which is available on request from their private banker or on the Societe Generale Private Banking website.
This document is issued by Societe Generale, a French bank authorised and supervised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution, located at 4 Place de Budapest, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, under the prudential supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB") and registered with the ORIAS as an insurance intermediary under number 07 022 493, Societe Generale is a French public limited company with capital of EUR 1,066,714,367.50 at August 1, 2019, whose registered office is located at 29 boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris, and whose unique identification number is 552 120 222 R.C.S. Paris. Further details are available upon request or on