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Weekly Update - Federal Reserve: A pause while waiting for a better inflation climate

In the highlights of the week, we chose to talk about  economic growth as well as inflation in the euro area:

  • Activity in the Euro area surprised the consensus on the upside in Q1, with euro area GDP rising by 0.4% over the year and 0.3% over the quarter, against expectations of 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. This slight improvement was mirrored in the continent's main economies, which all beat expectations, with French, German, Italian and Spanish GDP rising by 0.2%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 0.7% respectively over the quarter - even if the details in terms of growth drivers were more mixed. Overall, these data confirm the slow recovery in activity in the Euro area.

  • Meanwhile, inflation data for the euro area confirms that the return to the 2% target will be slow. Headline inflation was 2.4% over the year in April, unchanged from March, as the fall in energy prices slowed. Core inflation eased to 2.7% over the year (against 2.6% expected), from 2.9% in March, thanks to the continued fall in non-energy goods inflation (0.9% over the year) and the first weakening in five months in services inflation (to 3.7% from 4% previously). Inflation is not falling at the same rate in all Euro area economies, with prices rising by 2.2% in France and Germany, compared with 0.9% in Italy and 3.3% in Spain. This data puts the ECB in a comfortable position to consider cutting rates in June.

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