Strategy Focus - Reflections on 2024 and convictions for 2025
A look back to 2024: Another good vintage
Convictions for 2025: A year of economic policies choices
Continued economic outperformance by the United States, while Europe remains weak, and uncertainties persist in Asia ;
Trade policies to the fore ;
Monetary policies at different pace ;
Tensions and rivalries on the fiscal/industrial policy front.
Our investment convictions for 2025
Equities: towards a broadening of the US performance;
Equities: favourable contagion to the European markets;
Sovereign bonds: Europe and the United States out of synchronization;
Corporate bonds: European credit still attractive;
Currencies: A dollar still strong;
Currencies: The yen, the only currency that could surprise against the dollar;
Real estate in France: Not enough interest rate cuts to impulse a dynamic;
Private Assets: in the technology sector, prefer the buyout funds segment