3 new charities supported by the Fondation 29 Haussmann
The Fondation 29 Haussmann aims to offer all young people the best chances of growing and becoming responsible and autonomous adults. It supports charities that operate in the field of education, and notably the fight against academic failure. Following its Executive Committee meeting of 10 December, 2019, three new charities were selected to benefit from the foundation’s support over the next three years:
The Ecole à l’Hôpital (literally ‘School at the Hospital’) charity has been helping young patients to continue their schooling in hospital and at home for the last 90 years. Every year, its 500 volunteer qualified teachers give an average of 24,000 individual classes to more than 4,000 young people in the Paris region who are sick. Ecole à l’Hôpital is approved by the French governmental department for Education, of which it is a partner in certain hospital units and children’s hospitals.
www.ecolealhopital-idf.org (French only)
The Ecole des XV charity strives to stop secondary school students from disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Marseille and Aix-en-Provence from dropping out of school by providing them with an extracurricular programme combining 12 to 15 hours a week of homework help, academic support and rugby sessions. Founded in 2014, the project was born of a twofold conviction: it is urgent to combat academic failure, and rugby can be an amazing lever of progress and success. This sport allows boys and girls to learn the values of courage, respect, combativity and generosity whilst discovering their own potential.
www.ecoledesxv.com (French only)
Zone d’Expression Prioritaire helps give young people a voice via media creation and writing workshops run by professional journalists. It also aims to help them with their media practices and strengthen their critical thinking and their empowerment ability. ZEP primarily supports teenagers aged 14 to 19 who have the greatest social problems and who feel they have no legitimacy to express themselves throughout much of France. The stories and accounts resulting from the workshops are published online on the charity’s website, in partner media outlets (Le Monde, Libération, Konbini, Huffington Post, Phosphore, PositivR) and in printed publications.
www.la-zep.fr (French only)
As well as these 3 new partnerships, the Fondation 29 Haussmann is also supporting the following charities in 2020: Viens voir mon taf (French only), le Village d’Eva (French only), 1001 mots (French only), Like ton Job (French only), Tous mes rêves chantent (French only).