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Local contacts

France: +33 (0)1 53 43 87 00 (9am - 6pm)

Luxembourg: +352 47 93 11 1 (8:30am - 5:30pm)

Monaco: +377 97 97 58 00 (9/12am - 2/5pm)


Protect my family & wealth

Understand your needs

Protect your family

Alongside your lawyers, solicitors, and accountants, we can advise you on the tax regulations applicable in your country of residence. For example, we can help you:

  • Protect your spouse, by changing matrimonial regimes
  • Transmit your wealth to your children and/or grandchildren through donations, bequests, etc.
  • Prepare the future, by reviewing your insurance policies and pensions

Our wealth engineers can explain all solutions available and help you implement them.


Family governance

Safeguarding your estate requires sound family governance. We can help you establish the right decision-making structure – alongside your advisors – to manage your family assets more easily.

Why us ?

Our experts can assess the legal and fiscal issues associated with the organisation of your wealth.

Benefit from a 360° analysis of your private and professional assets through your dedicated point of contact.

Step by step


Personalised diagnosis of your assets / estate.


Analysis of the legal and fiscal issues associated with your wealth situation, in collaboration with your usual advisors (lawyers / solicitors / accountants).


Support implementing the solutions recommended by your usual advisors (lawyers / solicitors / accountants).

Important information

The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only and is not contractually binding. It is not intended to provide investment advice or any other investment service and does not constitute a personal recommendation, advice, or an offer from Societe Generale Private Banking to purchase, sell or subscribe to investment services and/or financial products.

The information contained on this page shall not be considered legal, tax or accounting advice. The materials contained therein are for illustrative purposes only and designed to provide the reader with information that may be of use in making decisions. Under no circumstances should it be construed as a personalised recommendation. Readers should consider it neither as an investment recommendation, nor legal, accounting, or tax advice. All wealth management strategies under consideration will need to be approved by your usual legal and tax advisers before implementation.

This document is prepared using sources that Societe Generale Private Banking considers to be reliable and accurate at the time of its creation. Any and all information contained in this document may be amended without prior notice. In no event shall any Societe Generale Private Banking entity be held liable for any decision made by an investor on the basis of this information.

The contents of this page may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without Societe Generale Private Banking's prior written consent. This document may not be disseminated in the US or to a US resident in any form whatsoever.

Before subscribing to any investment service or financial product, potential investors must read all of the information contained in the detailed documentation on the service or product being considered (prospectus, regulations, "Key Investor Information Document", Term Sheet, and contractual terms of the investment service), paying particular attention to that concerning the risks associated with the service or product.