Low correlation to other asset classes: In terms of performance, Private Equity funds are less volatile than listed markets.

Investing in private equity funds
Understand your needs
Investing in Private Equity funds implies taking stakes in non-listed companies to finance their launch, growth, divestment, transmission or recovery indirectly. You commit to stay invested for around ten years. Unlike direct investments in non-listed companies, you leave it to the Private Equity fund to create value.
Private Equity is a key catalyst for economic development. It boosts corporate growth and job creations and helps new generations of business leaders emerge.
Our experts carefully select the Private Equity funds with the best managers and strategies likely to meet your objective of creating value.
You can also count on us to drive you towards the allocation most consistent with your requirements.
Why Private Equity ?
Diversification: You can diversify away from more traditional asset classes.
Step by step
You meet your banker, and maybe your Societe Generale Private Banking investment advisor too.
Together, you discuss: your investor profile and horizon, which will determine your ability to invest in Private Equity; the amount you wish to invest; and the existing share of Private Equity in your portfolio, when applicable.
If necessary, your banker can ask our Private Equity experts for advice and organise a meeting with them.
Ultimately, an investment in Private Equity funds may be recommended depending on your profile.
Assuming such an investment is deemed consistent with your profile, the only prerequisite is the minimum amount required. Private Equity investments will attract entrepreneurs, former entrepreneurs but also investors interested in the real economy and seeking performance and low correlation to listed markets.
It corresponds to the cost of an asset plus the costs required to acquire it.